Saturday, August 06, 2005

My Day Off

Today is a day to be remembered… got two important things done.
  1. I got all my credit cards paid off! One step closer to being totally debt free! Only thing left are my student loans. It feels great not to have that over my head anymore. It’s been nearly five years since I’ve been debt free (as far as credit cards go that is.)
  2. Reacquainted myself with an old friend that I haven’t had in years… Mr. Jameson! I had so much fun with him that I consumed him completely in one sitting. Haven’t had that much fun with him since I was 22 years old! He doesn’t quite hammer me the way he used to though… I just kinda got a light buzz.
The day is still young though... perhaps I can get some other crap accomplished today as well!

1 comment:

lgl said...
