How did this shit get in mind? Probably because I was watching Superman II last night at the store. Jor-El and the Kryptonian Council sentenced General Zod and his two lackeys, Ursa and Non, to spend eternity in the Phantom Zone for their crime of sedition. Anyway, they are able to observe everything that takes place in the physical universe - either on Earth or in outer space - even though they cannot be seen or heard themselves. So in the comic book, all the inhabitants of the Phantom Zone, including General Zod, have learned that Superman is secretly Clark Kent by observing Superman from inside the Phantom Zone. I’ve always wondered why this fact was never in the movie.
I don’t know whether I’m more excited about actually seeing the next Harry Potter movie, or the trailer that’s been promised to play before that movie (the Superman Returns trailer.)
this post seems familiar- did you write about this before???
I've discussed it several times before with people, but never put anything about it in post before! :-P
I'm pretty sure I've seen this posted before!
LOL!!! All the posts are archived... here are the only times I've even posted about Superman:
Superman Returns Pics
Superman Returns Teaser Trailer
Why Superman
Bill on Superman
So like I told you before... I haven't posted anything on this topic before... but I may have talked you about it. :-P
GODAMMIT! You didn't talk to me about it!!!
Bitch, be cool! LOL! :-P
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