Monday, August 22, 2005

I Don't Think So

Today was supposed to be an easy day at work. I've worked over 50 hours over a three day period of time, so I was planning on leaving a little early today (luckily I have the day off tomorrow.) Well, our regional human resource manager, district manager, and several other over-paid people are going to be here tomorrow.

Of course I'm asked to come in on my day off (because I'm the only one who can answer all of their questions and knows what the hell is going on)... in which I responded something to the general effect of "fuck no!" I've got plans for tomorrow, none of which include coming into work. I've played this game of theirs for nearly five years now, and I'm not going to do it anymore!

I'll make sure everything is in order before I leave today, but once I'm out that door, I'm off! I'm simply tired of constantly sacrificing my life and happiness for nothing! I already do too much of that outside of work for others, I won't let work screw me anymore!

I just want to get my stuff together and live life.


Elemmaciltur said...

Yup, that's the right attitude!

celtgirl said...

totally - you have to keep your days off. They are for recouping and for self preservation.

Siren said...

It's about time that you got off your knees! They don't even know how tall you are, do they!

drunkbh said...

Obviously people are relying/abusing you because you are responsible. Don't play their games. Other people need to step up to the plate and take a little responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Your boss asked that I show his where things are in your office. I am thinking that he is expecting me to help them.

Frank said...

All that being said, I was at work from 6:30am - 11:00pm (supposed to have gotten off at 4:00pm)... so I'm really not feeling bad for not offering my services to them today!