Saturday, July 09, 2005

This Shit Is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!

I think there’s something severely wrong with my transmission! The engine is making too much noise… the rpms are a bit high as well. I hope it’s not the clutch. That would be way expensive to fix!

I dropped it off at Eagle Transmission on Manchaca, but they were closed today (of course). Luckily, I was able to commandeer my old car from Kimball for the next several days while they figure out what the hell is wrong with my car.

I need to try to find out what I did to get on God’s shit list! This wrath that I’m incurring is really starting to take a toll on my livelihood!


lgl said...

who are all of these random ppl posting on your blog? how are they getting here?

Troy said...

Your luck has officially gotten worse because you quoted that G-Damn Hollaback song!!!

Frank said...

I love Gwen Stefani... besides, it was just a matter of time before I quoted that song... she's practically turned those lyrics into an everyday phrase. That's all I hear all day anywhere I go from just about anyone of all ages! LOL!

Serenity said...

No kidding Kids are singing it and everytime I turn on the radio I hear IT'S BANANAS!

Serenity said...


Pred said...

I am on an Austin wide (and surrounding areas) crusade to stop the mispronunciation of Manchaca.

It’s not pronounced man-shack!

Troy said...

LOL When I moved here to Austin, I didnt pronounce it that way then everyone proceeding to correct me on it, so I was like whatever Man-Shack. Then people mispronounce Guadalupe too. It's not Guad-a-loop, it's Guad-a-loo-pay!

Pred said...


Arg! That's the other one that bothers me. Please people, stop.